Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Festivus! (also Lantz family)

First of all, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Festivus! Time to put up that aluminum pole, air grievances, and of course, the feats of strength.
And if you don't know what Festivus is... well... thats just sad.

I'm going to try and make the Lantz family as brief as possible. hah. thats a good one.

Ok so David Hauck married Anna Lantz

Anna was born in 1809 and her parents were Magdalena Martz (Mertz) and Samuel Lantz

Samuel's parents were Margaretha Sigfried and Henry Lantz

Henry's parents were Anna Kraybill and John Lantz.

John's parents were Anna Milch and John Lantz.

John's mother was Christina. She was born in 1673 and died in 1732.
Anna Milch's parents were John (1686-1713) and Anna (1682-1744)

I have more information on the Martz/ Mertz family as well as the Sigfried and Kraybill family. It will take up another entry though. A bunch go back to the 1600s, and some into the 1500s. Crazy right? The Sigfried family is pretty interesting. If I'm not mistaken one was in the Revolutionary War and recieved a letter from George Washington. Which I think is pretty cool.

Remember everyone, when you're sitting down to dinner tonight air the grievances. Let people know how they've disappointed you in the past year. Enjoy this Festivus for the rest of us!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hauck Part 2

Good Morning! A few updates since last time:

 Marion Hauck was a carpenter. On his WW1 draft card he is described as tall with a medium build. Grey eyes and light brown hair. Apparently he had his appendix removed too.

Wilfred Hauck was a blacksmith in 1910 and was married in 1890

Henry Hauck was a coach maker according to the 1870 census. That sounds pretty cool.

The sword: Marion gave the sword to my grandpa. Henry was around during the civil war but nothing suggests that he owned the sword. I believe it is a cavalry sword, obviously union side. Theres a belt buckle with an eagle on it. I guess I'll have to look into it a bit more. I wonder if one of Henry's brother's owned it? If anyone knows about the civil war and the weapons and stuff please comment.

Henry's parents were David Hauck and Anna Lantz. Like I said last time, Lantz is a different blog entry.

David's parents were Andrew Hauck and Sarah.
Andrew's father was John Hauck abt. 1750
John's parents were Jacob Hauck abt. 1720 and Margaret b. 1728.

Nest time: either Pitner or Lantz. Havent quite decided. I like the Pitner side better though. It leads to some very cool people. Well, Lantz has some cool people too.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hauck Part 1

The information I have on the Hauck family goes back to the 1720s. I won't get that far tonight. I'll only go back until the 1800s. I won't include much information on the Pitner or Lantz connections. Those surnames need their own entry.

My grandfather's mother was Eleanor Hauck. She was born in 1913. When I was younger I thought this was neat because I kept thinking that the Titanic sunk in 1912 (Mind you, that movie came out when I was in third grade and I was a bit obsessed with it). I used to call her Nana. She used to make the best Italian wedding soup, tapioca pudding, and milkshakes. She had this really cool thing on her counter. It was like the controls to a blender on one side and the attachment for a blender on the other. She also had a swing in the back with big stones underneath and ivy that would climb up the sides of the stones. I think I colored on her walls when I was little too. I heard stories about her not being a very good driver. I know she drove into a gas station at some point. When she was in the assisted living and nursing home I played with her wheelchairs (one was automatic. and very fun) She passed away in the summer of 2002.

She had a brother named Wilfred.
Their parents were: Marion H Hauck and Ruth Pitner. has some draft cards (WWI and or II) for Marion.

Marion's parents were Wilfred R Hauck and Mary Eldora Swank (She went by Dora). They were both born in the 1860s.

Wilfred's parents were Henry L Hauck and Hannah Rhoads. Henry was born in 1841. He had many brother's and sisters. I won't get into that right now but it may play a role in a kind of mystery.

My grandfather has a civil war sword that was passed down from the Hauck side and I'm trying to find out who actually owned it. I'll get into that later.

Next time: Hauck family to the 1720s and details of the civil war sword. Maybe even a picture. Depends on how I'm feeling that day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The rest of the Persings

Sorry for the delay. Finals are over now so I can actually post!

Lets go back to Jacob Persing (b. 1799). I'd like to quickly mention his brother William (b. 1792) who married Nancy Pitner (b. 1794). The Pitner's appear in another section of my tree.

Jacob and William (there were other siblings, but I will not mention them right now.)
parents: Mathias Persing + Katie Baker

Parents of Mathias: Johannes Wilhelm Person (b 1733) + Barbara Drum
Johannes Wilhelm Person was born Zweibrucken, [county], Alsace, Germany and died in Grenwich, Sussex, New Jersey. He married his wife and had two children before comming to America. George Washington once camped near his home during the revolutionary war.

So in summary...
Johannes Wilhelm Person + Barbara Drum
-Mathias Persing + Katie Baker
--William Persing + Nancy Pitner
--Jacob Persing + Elizabeth Shipe/ Schieb
---Ilif Persing + Mary Johnson
----Charles Persing + Cora
-----Chester Persing
-----Florence Persing
-----Earl Persing
-----Russel Persing
-----Walter Persing + Eleanor Hauck
------Grandpa + Grandma

*A few entries ago I mentioned Chester Persing. He did his own genealogy which I have not seen. According to a source providing me with some information, Chester's findings did not include the surname Person. Apparently, After comming over from Germany, Netherlands, or Wales, Persing replaced the surname Phersig (or similarly strange spelling). I guess I'll never know unless I find that genealogy....

Next time...Hauck surname

Friday, December 3, 2010

More Schieb....

Sorry for the delay. Been busy procrastinating for school. One class and 3 exams until break. *breathe*

Left off with Johann Nickel Schieb.
Father: Heinrich Schieb
Mother: Magdalena Bartel
-daughter of Simon Bartel and Anna Reeb

Father: Johan Hans Scheib
Mother: Unknown Wolff

Johan Hans
Father: Casper (b. 1560)
Mother: Anna Tafler

Father: Lorenz (d. 1583)
Mother: Elsse

Tada! End of the Schieb line! (as far as I know)

This goes a lot faster when I don't know the background stories on every single person.

Sorry this post isn't more interesting tonight.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Persing + Shipe

Jacob Persing (1799) married Elizabeth Shipe (1805)

Elizabeth's parents were John Henry Shipe and Elizabeth Scherri. Other children from this marriage include: John, Henry, Abraham, Jacob, Maria, and Michael.

John Henry's parents were Anna Eitel and Johan Michael Schieb. Anna's father was John Eitel. No other information is available on her side. Children born to Anna and Johan Michael include: Anna, Margaret, Anna Barbara, and Peter.

Ok from this point on, I will not include brothers or sisters. Apparently in those days everyone wanted to name their kids the same and it just gets complicated.

Johan Michael Schieb's parents were Juliana Suter (b.1714) and Johan Adam. he was possibly married to two other women.
-- Julianna's parents were Johannes Suter and Elizabeth Luther. Elizabeth's mother was Julia.

Johan Adam's parents were Anna Rauch and Johan Nickel Schieb.
--Anna's parents were Hans Peter Rauch and Maria Goler.
---Hans Peter's parents: Reichart Rauch and Martha Helm. Martha's father was Theobold
----Reichart's parents: Peter Rauch and Baebara Schwind. Barbara's father was named Casper
---Maria Goler's parents: Nickel (1590) and Christina
----Nickel's parents: Peter and Catharina

Next time I'll finish up the Schieb line.... I hope.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Walter to Jacob

Walter Persing was my great grandfather and was born in 1906. He died aroune 1970 so I never met him.
His parents were Charles and Cora. All together they had 5 children: Chester (1896), Florence (1898), Earl (1900), Russel (Rudy, 1902), and Walter.

Walter and Earl invented jalepeno hot chips and sold them until a fire in the 1960s.

Earl married and lived near Gettysburg for a while. He had no children.

Florence married Morris Yeager. I don't know the names of the children or grandchildren.

Chester Persing was WMA's headmaster from 1937 until its closing in 1971. He also wrote books and translated childrens books into other languages. Apparenty he did an extensive genealogy... I need to look into that.

Rudy married Jessie, they had no children. Rudy died in the late 40s ealry 50s. He once conducted a train that ran from Shamokin, to Minersville, and Reading.

Charles was born in 1872. His parents were Ilif Persing and Mary Johnston. Ilif was in the Civil war.
Other children from this marriage include Joseph, Harry, and Margaret/ Maggie.

Ilif was born in 1839. His parents were Jacob Persing (1799) and Elizabeth Shipe (1805).
There were about 8 children, and I will get to that later.


Jacob + Elizabeth
-Ilif + Mary Johnston
--Maggie + Daniel Hornberger
--Charles + Cora
---Chester + ?
---Florence + Morris Yeager
---Earl +?
---Russel/ Rudy + Jessie
---Walter + Eleanor Hauck
----my grandpa
----my uncle
----another uncle

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Comming soon....

So the Polish side is done, now onto my grandpa's side. The information on that side is overwhelming and still getting updated. By the end of the year I'd like to cover the following surnames: Persing, Hauck, Ship/Schieb, and Lantz.

Heres how the posts are going to go...

My great grandfather Walter Persing b. 1906 to Jacob Persing b. 1799.

Jacob Persing + Elizabeth Ship, all of the Ship/ Schieb line.

Back to Persing, Jacob's parents all the way back.

Next its on to the Hauck's... my great grandmother and a few generations back to Marion, Wilfred, and Henry.

Hauck + Lantz, and Henry back to Jacob b. 1720

Back to Lantz family

Just a general outline of whats to come. I need to stay semi organized. Maybe a post later this week, maybe not depending on homework.

Also, a new member was added to the tree yesterday. My cousin Rudy Marion Persing was born just before 1am on 11/8/10 8 lbs 8 oz 20 ish inches long. He looks exactly like my pap!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lapinski Update can be pretty awesome at times.

Yesterday I was randomly searching for variations of the name Anthony Lapinsky and I managed to find a marriage certificate. I'm pretty sure its the Anthony I'm looking for. It said he married "Ludwica" which sounds the same as Ludwika. Also, The date was 24 May 1892, and it was in Northumberland Co. Pa. Their first child wasn't born until 1894 so this works too. Luckily, there were some more names that I didn't have previously.

Anthony's parents: John and Josephine Lapinski

Only Ludwika's father was mentioned: George Kazanicka

Short post today, and the last of my Polish roots (so far...)

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Lapinsky's...

or Lapinski.... Lipinski... Lupinski... etc etc...

Now that the Bieda side is done, as much as possible, I will share my great grandmother's side. I'm having a lot of issues, mostly name changes.

My great grandmother's name was Mildred Lapinsky. Her parents were Anthony (Antoni) and Louise (Ludwiga). I don't have a last name for her. I know that they married in America. I'm not sure if Louise was born in America or Poland. Anthony came over from Poland twice. Apparently he didn't like America the first time. In a census record I found Louise listed as Julia. I would have disregarded the record, but all of the children were the same (except for a Ludwika changed to Julia)

The children were: Stanley (b. 1894), Josephine (1895), Julie (1897), Frances (1898), Anna (1899), and Mildred (1905).

Frances kind of confuses me... On another census I found the name Nancy. Maybe they called her Francy and the census taker heard Nancy.. I don't know.

Since that pretty much is the end of my Polish side, I thought I'd share some more Polish stuff. Here are a few words my family uses.

Dziadzi (ja-jee)- grandpa
Busia- grandma
Cioci- aunt
Matka- mother
Ojciec- father

Example: My busia would talk about her cioci Frances.

Food.... very very important!!!
Pierogi- yum yum yum. we usually make Mrs T's with butter and plenty of onions. Very good deep fried! Cottage cheese ones are good too, but Mrs. T's doesn't make those...

Golabki- "little pigeon" stuffed cabbage. delish. We use both beef and pork, and cooked rice for the stuffing part. Then of course cooked cabbage. Put those in a baking dish covered with extra cabbage leaves, place more on top, then cover with tomato juice. Serve with mashed potatoes and use the tomato juice as gravy. AMAZING

Halushki- cabbage and noodles

Bleenies- potato pancakes. good with salt, pepper, and a little bit of sour cream. mmm

Chrusciki- angel wings. I've never tried them but apparently its some sort of dough with powdered sugar?
Anyway, as my cousin says, never put dough in front of a polish girl.

As I'm writing this I may have found another link to the Lapinski's thanks to Stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jakob and Anna Bieda

Most of the information I have on these two came from a marriage certificate from Poland. Almost everything was handwritten in latin. Needless to say, my spellings may not be accurate. Another interesting thing... a weird name appeared on a ship manifest...I'll get to that a little later.

I'll start with Anna. I don't have as much information on her. She was the daughter of Thomas Klaus and Barbara Kucharzyk.

Jakob Bieda was the son of Paul Bieda and Marianna Jedryka. Paul's parents were B. Bieda (really hard to read on the record... plus latin) and Sophia Kaczmar. Marianna's parents were Martin Jedryka and Magdalena Duda.

I'm not sure about any siblings, but I would assume there were. Jakob was born around 1867 and Anna was born a few years earlier.

Ok now onto the detective work. The Ellis Island record I found has several catagories... who paid, country of origin, final destination etc. Theres also a space for the name and address of a friend or relative they would stay with once they arrived in America. Another record from the same ship had a list of relative in Poland. Anyway. The Ellis Island record listed Wojciech Niemiec as a brother in law in Shamokin. Now, brother in law can mean several things...either Jakob's sister's husband or Anna's sister's husband. Remember, I have no proof about siblings for Jakob or Anna.

So here is where the detective work comes into play. How do I find this Wojciech Niemiec person? How do I even figure out thats his name? Handwritten records remember. Ellis Island does have a typed version, but its very vague. You can get more information from the original manifest struggling with handwriting. Well after several tries I figured out the last name was Niemiec.
 I knew the cemetery where Jakob and Anna were buried. You figure, well, if they're buried there the church would have the same name. And if your going to a new country and only know your family, you're most likely going to attend the same church. They wouldn't have gone to another church. So I searched for the cemetary and the last name Niemiec. I found a Wojciech and Petronella Niemiec.

I later found a ship manifest with a Wojciech and Petronella Niemiec from Galicia. They had 3 children and came to America in 1909. Thats before the Bieda's (1913) so it's possible. Listed as the relative was Anna Niemiec.

Well, thats a bit of a problem. Anna's maiden name was Klaus not Niemiec. Obviously Wojciech is not Anna's sister because of the different last name, but what if she was Petronella's sister? The guy taking down the information could say "What is the name of your relative in your native country?" Wojciech or Petronella could have simply said "She is my sister". If they didn't specificly give a last name, the guy could have just assume Anna had the same last name.

Something to think about.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ludwik's Brothers

Ludwik/ Louis had three older brothers: Walter,  Alexandor, and Jozef.

I do not have a birthdate for Walter. As of 1913, he was married and had a child, which is why he stayed in Poland rather than comming to America. The names associated with this branch are a little iffy. On one ship manifest for the rest of the Biedas, there was a space for relative in native country. It looked like Wloded Bieda. I don't know if such a name exists, but thats what happens when you look at handwritting from the early 1900s.

Walter married "Anna" , unknown last name. They had a daughter who's name was either Anna or Wanda. She married and had a son named "Jerry". My aunt told me the Polish version was "Yeshie" but I'm not sure how to spell that. Thats what it sounded like. He was in an aerospace program that was top secret. Apparently he wanted to visit America, but he couldn't. (Which makes sense, this was probably during the Cold War). "Yeshie" married Barbara, unknown last name. They had a son Adam. He is probably in his 40s now. My great grandmother Mildred, went to Poland in either 1970 or 1971 and Adam was young, perhaps 2 or 3 years old.

Walter Bieda + "Anna"
-Anna/Wanda + ?
--Jerry ("Yeshie") + Barbara

Alex married a woman named Mary and they moved to Philadelphia*. They had three daughters (Angie, Eleanor, and Marie) and a son (Joe). Angie never married. Eleanor married twice and had a daughter. Marie married Dennis Acker, but I'm not sure if they had any children. Joe married a woman named Marie but never had children. I found a draft card for Alex when he was 48. The address listed was in Shamokin and it said he was married. His name was spelled Aleksander Bieda.

Alex Bieda + Mary
-Eleanor +?
-- ?
-Marie Bieda + Dennis Acker
-Joe Bieda + Marie

Jozef married but never had children. I believe he stayed in the Shamokin area.

Thats all for now. Next time information from Jakob and Anna's Polish records. Also, a strange name from an Ellis Island ship record.

*At some point the Bieda's (except for Louis) changed their name to Biedzinskie. The reasoning behind it? I was told it sounded "more Polish".

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bieda- Poland to Pennsylvania

First, I'm going to try and break down the surnames in my family. Obviously the main ones are Persing and Bieda but theres more in there. On the Polish side theres also Lapinsky (+ other spelling variations), Jedryka, Klaus, and a few others. Some major ones from my Persing side include: Pitner, Hauck, Kase, Hungerford, and many many others. (It is literally insane how many people are on that side of my tree).

Now we get to the good stuff. First I'm going to tell a little about the Biedas.

In Polish Bieda means 'poverty'. Doesn't sound to pretty when looking back, but hey.

My grandmother's dad was Louis/ Ludwik Bieda. He arrived in Ellis Island in March 1913 when he was 91/2 years old.

He came over with two older brothers, Alexandor (18) and Jozef (11), and his parents Jakob and Anna. (There was another boy "Walter" but he was already married and he stayed in Poland) They settled in Shamokin, Pa and the boys became coal miners. At some point, they all changed their names to Biedzinski(e), except for Louis. Louis later married Mildred Lapinsky and they remained in Shamokin. Jozef and Alex both married. Jozef did not have any children. Alex and his wife moved to Philadelphia

The Bieda's came from Galicia, or what is now Malopolski, Poland. The last recorded place before boarding a ship in Bremen, Germany was Okocim.
They probably resided in Tarnow at some point.

I have baptismal records for Jakob and Louis. I also have a marriage certificate for Jakob and Anna. All the records are in latin and have bad handwriting. I think I have all the names sorted out, except for one. The good think about these Polish church records? They list the parents name, AND the names of the grandparents. So boom. Two generations.

I'll get to those later. What else will I blog about if I post everything now? If anyone decides to read this why not leave them in suspense?

After Louis died in 1968/9, Mildred went to Poland to visit "Walter" in Krakow. I'm still gathering details on that.

Unfortunately we had one family member that decided to throw out a bunch of things when Mildred passed away, so that makes it very hard to find anything on my Polish roots. Gotta love family! *sarcasm*

Jakob Bieda + Anna Klaus
-Ludwik + Mildred Lapinsky
--My grandmother + my grandpa Persing
---My mom

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Where to begin... Well, I'm working on my family tree and I need help. So I've decided to share everything I have with random strangers over the internet. I'm not sure how often I will post (my professors have this nasty habit of assigning homework and tests), but I will at least have a few updates a month. I have so much information written down in a notebook and it's driving me insane. So I'll try and organize everything in here. Hopefully I'll find some long lost third cousin seven times removed or something. Who knows. If all else fails, maybe I can help out people just starting out with their genealogy research.

My family is mostly in Northumberland county in Pennsylvania. We're Polish, German, English,... pretty much everything if you go back far enough.

Ah, well it looks like my homework procrastination is at an end. Until next time then.