Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Festivus! (also Lantz family)

First of all, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Festivus! Time to put up that aluminum pole, air grievances, and of course, the feats of strength.
And if you don't know what Festivus is... well... thats just sad.

I'm going to try and make the Lantz family as brief as possible. hah. thats a good one.

Ok so David Hauck married Anna Lantz

Anna was born in 1809 and her parents were Magdalena Martz (Mertz) and Samuel Lantz

Samuel's parents were Margaretha Sigfried and Henry Lantz

Henry's parents were Anna Kraybill and John Lantz.

John's parents were Anna Milch and John Lantz.

John's mother was Christina. She was born in 1673 and died in 1732.
Anna Milch's parents were John (1686-1713) and Anna (1682-1744)

I have more information on the Martz/ Mertz family as well as the Sigfried and Kraybill family. It will take up another entry though. A bunch go back to the 1600s, and some into the 1500s. Crazy right? The Sigfried family is pretty interesting. If I'm not mistaken one was in the Revolutionary War and recieved a letter from George Washington. Which I think is pretty cool.

Remember everyone, when you're sitting down to dinner tonight air the grievances. Let people know how they've disappointed you in the past year. Enjoy this Festivus for the rest of us!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Hauck Part 2

Good Morning! A few updates since last time:

 Marion Hauck was a carpenter. On his WW1 draft card he is described as tall with a medium build. Grey eyes and light brown hair. Apparently he had his appendix removed too.

Wilfred Hauck was a blacksmith in 1910 and was married in 1890

Henry Hauck was a coach maker according to the 1870 census. That sounds pretty cool.

The sword: Marion gave the sword to my grandpa. Henry was around during the civil war but nothing suggests that he owned the sword. I believe it is a cavalry sword, obviously union side. Theres a belt buckle with an eagle on it. I guess I'll have to look into it a bit more. I wonder if one of Henry's brother's owned it? If anyone knows about the civil war and the weapons and stuff please comment.

Henry's parents were David Hauck and Anna Lantz. Like I said last time, Lantz is a different blog entry.

David's parents were Andrew Hauck and Sarah.
Andrew's father was John Hauck abt. 1750
John's parents were Jacob Hauck abt. 1720 and Margaret b. 1728.

Nest time: either Pitner or Lantz. Havent quite decided. I like the Pitner side better though. It leads to some very cool people. Well, Lantz has some cool people too.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hauck Part 1

The information I have on the Hauck family goes back to the 1720s. I won't get that far tonight. I'll only go back until the 1800s. I won't include much information on the Pitner or Lantz connections. Those surnames need their own entry.

My grandfather's mother was Eleanor Hauck. She was born in 1913. When I was younger I thought this was neat because I kept thinking that the Titanic sunk in 1912 (Mind you, that movie came out when I was in third grade and I was a bit obsessed with it). I used to call her Nana. She used to make the best Italian wedding soup, tapioca pudding, and milkshakes. She had this really cool thing on her counter. It was like the controls to a blender on one side and the attachment for a blender on the other. She also had a swing in the back with big stones underneath and ivy that would climb up the sides of the stones. I think I colored on her walls when I was little too. I heard stories about her not being a very good driver. I know she drove into a gas station at some point. When she was in the assisted living and nursing home I played with her wheelchairs (one was automatic. and very fun) She passed away in the summer of 2002.

She had a brother named Wilfred.
Their parents were: Marion H Hauck and Ruth Pitner. has some draft cards (WWI and or II) for Marion.

Marion's parents were Wilfred R Hauck and Mary Eldora Swank (She went by Dora). They were both born in the 1860s.

Wilfred's parents were Henry L Hauck and Hannah Rhoads. Henry was born in 1841. He had many brother's and sisters. I won't get into that right now but it may play a role in a kind of mystery.

My grandfather has a civil war sword that was passed down from the Hauck side and I'm trying to find out who actually owned it. I'll get into that later.

Next time: Hauck family to the 1720s and details of the civil war sword. Maybe even a picture. Depends on how I'm feeling that day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The rest of the Persings

Sorry for the delay. Finals are over now so I can actually post!

Lets go back to Jacob Persing (b. 1799). I'd like to quickly mention his brother William (b. 1792) who married Nancy Pitner (b. 1794). The Pitner's appear in another section of my tree.

Jacob and William (there were other siblings, but I will not mention them right now.)
parents: Mathias Persing + Katie Baker

Parents of Mathias: Johannes Wilhelm Person (b 1733) + Barbara Drum
Johannes Wilhelm Person was born Zweibrucken, [county], Alsace, Germany and died in Grenwich, Sussex, New Jersey. He married his wife and had two children before comming to America. George Washington once camped near his home during the revolutionary war.

So in summary...
Johannes Wilhelm Person + Barbara Drum
-Mathias Persing + Katie Baker
--William Persing + Nancy Pitner
--Jacob Persing + Elizabeth Shipe/ Schieb
---Ilif Persing + Mary Johnson
----Charles Persing + Cora
-----Chester Persing
-----Florence Persing
-----Earl Persing
-----Russel Persing
-----Walter Persing + Eleanor Hauck
------Grandpa + Grandma

*A few entries ago I mentioned Chester Persing. He did his own genealogy which I have not seen. According to a source providing me with some information, Chester's findings did not include the surname Person. Apparently, After comming over from Germany, Netherlands, or Wales, Persing replaced the surname Phersig (or similarly strange spelling). I guess I'll never know unless I find that genealogy....

Next time...Hauck surname

Friday, December 3, 2010

More Schieb....

Sorry for the delay. Been busy procrastinating for school. One class and 3 exams until break. *breathe*

Left off with Johann Nickel Schieb.
Father: Heinrich Schieb
Mother: Magdalena Bartel
-daughter of Simon Bartel and Anna Reeb

Father: Johan Hans Scheib
Mother: Unknown Wolff

Johan Hans
Father: Casper (b. 1560)
Mother: Anna Tafler

Father: Lorenz (d. 1583)
Mother: Elsse

Tada! End of the Schieb line! (as far as I know)

This goes a lot faster when I don't know the background stories on every single person.

Sorry this post isn't more interesting tonight.